Event press release formats are as varied as the events they cover, but generally consist of one of two different formats. The first is somewhat akin to a short letter to the editor in that it gives background information about the occasion and a personal viewpoint on the topic at hand. In other words, it’s a “piece for the paper” as it were. It may even suggest that the event has some tie-in points with other events and information that might be of interest to your readers.
The second style is a more lengthy letter that goes into greater detail about the event. This style may suggest some relationship to previous events you’ve written about, or at the very least draw upon material from prior events you’ve covered. While it is more likely to be read in its entirety, this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you are covering an important event, you want to leave the reader with a feeling of “hook” or “closure,” and by including as much information as possible in the space given, you leave them with that sense of anticipation.
There are other event press release formats available as well, however, such as the power of video. Video has exploded in popularity over the past decade or so and is quickly becoming the preferred method of sharing information on certain topics. If you have something new to share with the world (or just an old one you’d like to share), consider using video. Not only does it give people something visually to look at, but often they can get a real sense of what the issue is about as well. If you can take advantage of this medium, you’ll likely find that your press release is a hit. Just make sure to have all of your facts organized and as concise as possible, otherwise you’ll look a bit like a disorganized lawyer!